Jed showed off this big blue eyes the entire time. They screamed “Look at me!” We are : )) See more of JED here by clicking on his SLIDESHOW!
Jed showed off this big blue eyes the entire time. They screamed “Look at me!” We are : )) See more of JED here by clicking on his SLIDESHOW!
OH MY GOSH!!!!! I love you Chris. That’s all I can say.
you done such a wonderfuljob with the pictures of my grandson Jed ! they are great as always!
This is my grandson chris you done such a wonderful job with his pictures! I love them all and earlier one you took too!
Young, attractive, and in love… just a few words to describe Amanda and Patrick. They met when they were just 15 and knew they were meant to be with one another. Amanda says she ‘knew’ when she realized he was going to be a good MAN- responsible, mature, serious… the list goes on. But, she […]
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Thank You ( Christine & Kat ) for the beautiful photos !! This was such a special time for our daughter and new son-in-law.. So blessed to have had you to capture this moment in our lives..
Let the FALL wedding season begin! After a busy summer wedding and portrait season, I was ready for fall and cooler weather. Fall is so different- light, the air, the atmosphere and most definitely the couples. Amanda and Patrick, in particular is a young couple IN LOVE and couldn’t wait to start their lives together […]
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Very good job Kat !! You are a very smart young lady and by the looks of the photo a very talented one too !! Hope you had a good time Sat. at the wedding !! Thanks So Much !! Beautiful !!!