A new beginning.. it was time for a fresh start. A new look. A change of scenery. Much like the first day of school! For over two years, my site has been safe. One with a white background and a select few favorite images. Well, life goes on as they say. A pregnancy (plus a […]
Yearly Archives: 2012
Seems like just yesterday little M & C were wee bit babies swaddled in their knitted lamb blankets. They were itty bitty but so beautiful! Today they are even more beautiful, each with their own personalities and cuteness. Bright eyed and so calm, they were perfect little models for the day. I am so honored […]
Her sense of smell was at a peak when she suspected something was different. Odd even ( Jason was having a bowl of late night ‘breakfast’ cereal!). After a very late night trip to Super WalMart and a pregnancy test later, they waited. Sondra was beyond nervous, so she made Jason look. He came out […]
My sweetest couple, Sondra and Jason got married last year in a garden surrounded by close family and friends. Their wedding was featured numerous times and I couldn’t be happier when they announced they were expecting a new bundle of joy. At 36 weeks, Sondra never felt or looked more beautiful. Being pregnant suited her and they […]
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