Her eyes
were cornflower blue,
the hue of the most magical
things in life,
the sea, the sky,
and all my reasons why.
~ of yesteryear
She had ‘asked’ for it.
A Facebook message came through one fateful day…. Just a few days prior she ASKED… God to simply drop someone on her lap. Little did she know, her wish came through in a form of Blaine~ Someone she could talk to for hours on end, someone she couldn’t get enough of, someone who completes her.
When you ASK, they say… you will receive.
A moment so beautiful. A curl just right. A smile so magical.
Your eyes
stole all my words
~ dj
Amanda and Blaine braved the cool and windy, February Tuesday for a moment of just ‘them’ because…
in the wind of change
we find
our true direction.
Overlooking a spot where they will marry a few short months from now…
Can you believe sunsets exist in February? All I can say is… Thank you for this beautiful day. This beautiful couple. And this fateful day.
MAY cannot come soon enough! Here’s to many more sunsets to look forward to and many more moments like this.
{ xo }