Last Saturday was my first time at Keeneland. I’ve heard great things about it from friends and knew I just had to have a session there someday. Well, Casey and Josh was getting married soon and they both live in Lexington, so why not? We prayed for clear weather all week and yes, the sun LOVES us! Here are a few Behind-the-Scenes images that Cat took that day. She tagged along hoping to see some horses at the park and her only job was to take some ‘action’ shots. You know, I was curious! I’ve always wondered what I look like while ‘working’. Here I am getting low for a quick shot.
Yes, I was wearing a spring dress. I couldn’t wait for Easter : ) Looking back, I should have worn some matching gloves.
There I go chasing the couple. Thank goodness I had my flats on! I just got them that day at GAP. Here they look like I was wearing tangerine caterpillars on my feet.
This might not look like the steadiest stance for shooting. See my black gloves? I’ll have yellow ones next time.
Casey was really hanging on to Josh..
In the moment to capture a Great ‘pose’ . Note- my ‘caterpillar’ sandals.
This is the result.
Cat’s angle… photo bomber
I swear I wasn’t trying to grab anything..
I wonder what was going through Josh’s mind that moment…
The shot : )
Cat’s angle. I don’t look too cool here..
Definitely not here!
Maybe I’ll wear a headband or flower clip next time to draw attention away from THIS! Arrrgghh…
I was all over this area and didn’t notice these pavers. Glad Cat captured it : )
Cat shot these ‘Behind the Scene’ images with my trusty 5 MP Kodak zoom camera- Straight out of the camera and no editing. It still does great on a sunny day like this.
Here’s one for the scrap books : )
Thanks for laughing at these with me and for being here : ) If you have missed Casey & Josh’s post and slide show, please scroll down : )
Happy EASTER and weekend!!

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