There was plenty of fish in the sea…but Michael chose Cara. Sweet, beautiful and kind hearted Cara initially thought he was just another ‘fish’. But, days past and his smoldering eyes still haunted her. Maybe, he is different. She decided to reconnect with him and they finally had their first date. It was a first date to remember. Knowing Cara, she looked her best~ mascara and heels and maybe a cute dress. They got seated at an Italian restaurant and then the unthinkable happened. They were asked to leave! Uh… a tornado was heading their way!!! They hopped in Michael’s truck heading ‘somewhere’ just to get away. Before their eyes, a STOP sign was ripped out of the ground! Quickly, they drove to his Mother’s home and took shelter in their underground storm shelter. There she was… with his ENTIRE family, on their first date! When the storm past, he asked if she was OK. She nodded.
She knew he was THE one.
He knew…. on their FIRST date, he wanted to marry her. Michael confessed during his proposal.
For more IMAGES of Cara and Michael, please CLICK here to view their beautiful SLIDESHOW 🙂
SPECIAL THANKS to OU, Norman for their always, impeccable grounds!
Blue dress: Borrowed, Forever 21
Heels: Gianni Bini
Enjoy! More to come. YES, their WEDDING!! Please do check back soon : )
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