It was a perfect Tuesday afternoon. We headed out to our local airport with hopes of catching the sunset. Maybe, deep down inside we were trying to get-away from the hustle bustle of city life. Life, as good as it can be.. can be overwhelming and at times, a little too ‘noisy’. IT was perfect because we were the only ones around. An airport all to ourselves. Freedom to do whatever we desire ; ) Relax, we did. Kendra & David had nothing but fun… being with each other. Away from the city. A time.. to reconnect again. Like nobody is watching, they held hands, hugged, laughed, kissed.. all those loved dovey things ; )
Kendra: You are simply gorgeous!!
David comes across as a serious kinda guy but he can be playful too…
I love my clients! LOVE it when they take the EXTRA step to look amazing- from hair, makeup, wardrobe, etc. AND yes, their smile!
Besides taking beautiful photographs, I (we) get to explore the edge of danger a little… haha! How can I not smile while doing it? Here, I just casually informed Kendra and David that a plane is approaching the runway. I ran 30 ft to grab my FILM camera I had left behind me ; )
David being playful again… I will not say what.
It was getting late. I thought it would be a sunset-less evening, since all we’ve had all day were clouds. UNTIL… the clouds parted ways and the gleaming sun peaked out and said HI.. bathing the lovely couple with the warmest glow I’ve even seen. I was in heaven!
See the effect it has on Kendra and David?
I know… just love.
Oh… what a session! I could not have asked for a more perfect day. THANK YOU to Delena Combs (MERLE NORMAN) for Kendra’s beautiful, beyond words makeover; Jeff Hylton for allowing us to play in his playground; and last but not least the heavenly GODS for this picture perfect day. THANK YOU Kendra & David for this honor and I wish you both rich blessings in the coming months and years : )
p.s. If you have missed theirĀ WINTER Engagement session, check it out HERE.
Please check back real soon for a peak at their SLIDESHOW : )
{ xo }