It was a perfect! I woke up to a dreamy, summer like morning- thick, dense fog covered the valleys and mountains and the sun was shining. I was happy : ) Driving to the Hazard Country Club before 8am would be the first for me but I knew the lighting and new ‘spring’ would bring us nothing but dreamy images.
Paige and Eric were SUCH great sports. Waking up, getting ready… already seem like a full day! Anticipation and excitement was all I felt from them. But, nothing like the excitement Alex, Eric’s daughter felt when she heard her daddy was planning a proposal, one summer evening. She helped pick up the ‘special’ ring Paige had hinted and just couldn’t contain her excitement! You see, Paige and Eric had known each since 2001. (‘It was about TIME!’ was one of the few comments made on FACEBOOK when Paige announced the Engagement!) Well, back to the proposal… Eric had a special Saturday planned for all three of them. A home cooked dinner, a proposal, a ring, a question… He made sure Alex was on board with the SURPRISE. But, earlier that day they met for lunch at a nearby WENDYS. Paige had to work that day, so it was just a typical lunch. UNTIL, Alex blurted out “Paigey, Daddy bought you a ring and is going to give it to you tonight!” You can imagine the look on Eric’s face! It would have been priceless!! Speechless and shocked (for a mere minute) would not even describe it for BOTH Eric and Paige. Paige didn’t know what to think. A joke? What ring? Well, Eric retrieved the gorgeous ring from the truck and made an early proposal. ONLY at Wendys! That night, they celebrated with dinner… and everything else that was suppose to happen. A year from that date, would be their wedding day : ) So much more excitement to come!!
It seems like we had the course all to ourselves.
I couldn’t ask for a more GORGEOUS day and couple. THANK YOU for waking up early and for sharing your love with us : )
For more images of Paige and Eric, please click HERE for their SLIDESHOW.
{ xo }

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