Let the FALL wedding season begin! After a busy summer wedding and portrait season, I was ready for fall and cooler weather. Fall is so different- light, the air, the atmosphere and most definitely the couples. Amanda and Patrick, in particular is a young couple IN LOVE and couldn’t wait to start their lives together as husband and wife. But, more about them later : )
This day started off calm. As I prepare to load my car up with bags of gear and a mind full of ideas, I look upon my watch to make sure I had plenty of time to get to my first location- the hair salon (KARMA & Spa). I had Cat on the back of my mind, getting her out of school early, getting to the church.. the list went on and on. And she, TODAY would be my Assistant- Second Shooter. Yes, my 8 year daughter is going to shoot me, shooting the wedding. At least that was the plan. Yes, she took some behind the scenes shots of my distorted one-eye open face and whatever she loves to shoot in between- wedding related of course! But, she quickly switched gears to SHOOT the wedding! I know, there’s only so many ‘looks’ of me bending, squating, pointing (directing), etc…. so naturally she found other things to amuse herself. A few times, she put the camera down (She used my D300, set to Aperture, and f1.8) to chase a couple of cats, played with a long branch/ twig she found near the railway tracks and ate strawberries off the fondue table! I won’t complain… at least she was out of my shot view. That’s another blog post altogether. So, check back soon for Behind the Scenes with Cat!
I end this sneak peek post with HER shot. Her angle. Timeless I must say. So Grace Kelly.
* Love *

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