If you had one last day, what would you do? Spend like there’s no tomorrow? Eat at the fanciest restaurant? Take a trip? If you had ONE last day, would you spend it with someone/ people you truly love? Would you embrace each moment and be thankful for that MIRACLE in front of you? There are too many moments we take for granted. Too many occasions we fail or forget to say I LOVE YOU. I’m guilty of it, but life as always, gets in the way. Work gets in the way. Problems get in the way. Moments go by and we fail to see the MIRACLE in front of us. What if I have ONE last day? Would I regret that I didn’t eat that extra piece of cake? Buy that $ 300 dress? Splurge on a pair of $ 900 Louboutin heels? NO! I would be so p***sed off because I didn’t make myself or my family take a family portrait. I do not want that day to come and someone tell me I have ONE last day. Will my loved ones still be around? Don’t let that ONE day come around unannounced. Be with your loved ones. Documented it. Treasure it. What’s the number ONE thing you grab when your house is on fire? It won’t be that dress or the shoes. LOVE TODAY. DOCUMENTED IT TODAY.
Harold just celebrated his 78th birthday this past weekend. With dementia, he is cared for at the VA nursing home 24/7/365. Unable to walk or talk, he may seem helpless. But, he still knows his family is around. His family knows he is around. Hanging on. I had the honor to document this close knit family the other day and it was worth a beautiful saturday afternoon. Thank YOU.
Thank you for being here : )

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