Inspired by Vera

Wang that is. Yes, Vera Wang. I just received this ‘old’ book and I can’t wait to ooh and aaah over it’s iconic pages. I have heard about its ‘special’ vellum pages but it’s not JUST vellum pages. It’s hard to explain…

To me, lace just speaks romance : ) yes, TIMELESS.

Classic car with a hand written sign.

A coffee table book indeed and I’m so glad to display it in my home-gallery. I am so inspired : ) What is your ‘coffee table book’?

{ xo }

the note

How Charming: Vendor Love

Classic Party Rentals (Nashville)

E Stephen Hein Florist

Purdon Rentals

Happy Monday!

{ xo }

Like summer

It’s been so pleasant these days…I think we have bypassed winter. I mean REAL winter. The snowfalls, blizzards, ice rains, and single digit temperatures. I’m not complaining. It’s been so nice not having to scrap ice off the windshields; Not have to bundle up in 5 layers just to go to the mailbox; Not to be line at the grocery store because the weatherman says we’re getting 5″ of snow. It’s like summer (almost). So, for this nice weather, I made myself a refreshing drink. I’ve never had it before and made it from whatever I had in the kitchen. I’m sure this is nothing new but it is oh so good : )

SO simple:

Ginger ale

Blood oranges (sliced real thin)

Glass & crushed ice

a sprig of parsley (for looks)

note: I’ve tried this with sliced (regular) oranges but it’s not as good.


{ xo }


The Club at Spindletop Hall

Situated on just over 1000 acres of beautiful Kentucky land, Spindletop Hall is one of a kind. As I drove up to the entrance, I can’t help but feel as though I have arrived at a exquisite venue, holding an invitation to an uber special and posh gala. Miles of fences greeted me as I drove past the iron gates. I needed to be in an antique car for this ‘drive’ or at least a vintage convertible. After a short drive down the tree lined driveway, I came upon the CLUB. A pristine building established in 1935. I thought to myself.. what an honor to tour this beautiful mansion. So, I challenged myself to only shoot FILM here. It is THE perfect place to bring back it’s nostalgic beauty on film.

Their driveway in the winter… Imagine this in the spring or fall seasons? Picture perfect!

I could have shot here all day.. every nook and cranny.

Yes, I was here : )

Thanks to the staff at THE CLUB at Spindletop Hall for allowing me to tour this historic place… so much more to explore : )

A wedding at the Spindletop Hall perhaps? I really do hope so : )

{ xo } 


Oh how I LOVE Kate Spade this season! STRIPES is their thing and they are going all out : ) But in a good way..

I can definitely see this on me. Not too much, not too casual. The WEAR everywhere dress- Spring & Summer! Pair it with a bright color heel and a cute bag…walla!

Can’t go wrong with this case.

Dress up a simple T or tank top with this red & white striped scarf.. so chic!

Yes, eat CAKE ( the really good one) for breakfast, lunch & dinner : )

A simple LBD. Simply sweet for Sunday Brunch or a swanky Bridal Shower! 

For your WILD side! A little wild. A little tame.

The new RED heels. Every girl’s MUST HAVE for this spring and summer! No, this is not too much ; )

Why not? Especially in this wintery season.

HONEYMOON did you say? What better way to start the planning {dreaming} process by having this PASSPORT cover to motivate you? 

Yes, just another reminder..

Oh..why not? ‘Mrs’ earrings?

Gorgeous BRIDESMAIDS gift? They will wear this again..

*  For YOU  *

 Something else to cheer up your day.

Oh.. so many goodies. If only money was NO object! Check out MORE stripey goodies at Thanks for stopping by and stay tuned for some { very } lovely images of The SpindleTop Hall in Lexington, KY.

{ xo } 

Behind the Scenes

It’s been a while since I last blogged about what goes on BEHIND THE SCENES. I can’t help but cringe when I see my image on someone’s camera or iPhone… I’m just not photogenic enough. Or at least don’t realize I look like ‘that’ when I’m clicking away. There IS a lot of effort to look GOOD all the time. I know. Well, here goes…

Let’s start with a decent one. A self portrait.

Getting ready for some DETAIL shots…

If I can just keep BOTH eyes open when I shoot.

Here I am working fast during the BRIDE & GROOM portraits. I get in the way of my second shooter, Cat.

Can you see me? That black figure on the top left hand corner.

This next image is almost funny. Here we appear to be getting ready for a race… Who can be at MOST places in 30 minutes?

I must at least know HOW to tie a bow. I practise just about every day. It must look good, for that perfect DETAIL shot : )

I know, I know. I need some help in the ‘bump’ department. Where is Justina when I need some HAIR help? Maybe another style?

Cat, my second shooter, assistant, model, light tester. She does so much…

She has her stance down pat! She ‘looks’ better than me. Where does she get it?

She’s stylish and put together when she wants to. Here she made her own black bow with a fuzzy pipe cleaner.

Ready for the FIRST LOOK.

Here she is when she first started shooting with me. This black and white polka dot dress was all she had. Yes, with tights. She freezes easily.

To complete the look: a white cardigan & her favorite strappy black heels.

Psst… are you ready?

This series is crucial. See her trying to manuever around a ‘guest’ to photograph the Bride & Groom coming down the aisle?

About died when I saw this…


At least I was able to check my makeup and make sure I wasn’t missing an ‘eyebrow’. Hahhaha…

Hope you’ve enjoyed these BEHIND THE SCENE shots. If you have some to share, please send it to my email {} or share it on Facebook!

Thanks to all my AWESOME clients : )

{ xo }

I’m Chris


Yes, I’m a few days late but the year is still NEW. New number, new month, new day. Of course I have to share a few of my NEW portraits. Just in case you were wondering, I now have reddish hair, a heavier bang and of course a new lease on life. It has been a roller coaster 2011 year. A year of blessings, great friends, great health and of course a few hiccups here and there that I rather not mention. Let bygones be bygones as they say. I’m LOOKING forward to an exciting year with amazing weddings & portraits, great health once more and opportunities galore!! I can’t wait to see what’s in store.

My hair isn’t really THIS red. If you fear red hair, please.. I’m quite normal in person. I laugh, hahhaha like this. My daughter Cat imitates me to a ‘T’. I can’t help but laugh back. My eyes are really closed.

My Hair is up… a lot. Having to do 1,000,000 things and running after an almost walking baby, a bun is my ‘go to’ style.

I LOVE.LOVE.LOVE my new lace top. When I first saw it at I was in love! I love lace, no surprise but this is understated, sexy yet modest and great for almost all occasions. My skirt is ‘old’! Simple, short, pencil black skirt. No brainer. Great with anything and always in style. My belt is glittery gold from Gold is IN this season and I just love it. I’ve paired it with jackets, sweaters and dresses.

Of course, I have to mention my MAKEOVER with Jemma Merrified Gayheart. She used plum shades along with some browns to accentuate my deep brown eyes. I loved it!! I’m a strong proponent of GREAT professional makeup. It goes a LOOONG way when it comes to a photo shoot or event. For me, when I look good, I FEEEL good. 

Remember my laugh? Hahhahaha.. it really is funny.

If you still don’t really know me, here are a few things about me. Let’s say I’m preparing for my interview with Vanity Fair Magazine.

Here goes…

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Laughter, peace, and coconut trees.

What is your greatest fear?

Losing a limb and slimy creatures

What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?


What is the trait you most deplore in others?

Using profanity in every sentence

What is your greatest extravagance?

Time and my Mac

What is your favorite journey?

Malaysia to Las Vegas

What is your greatest regret?

Not doing what I LOVE sooner

What or who is the greatest love of your life?

My family

When and where were you the happiest?

March 2010, when we finally got our “wedding” pictures done.

What is your current state of mind?


If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

Not be nervous (ok, terrified) about public speaking

If you could change one thing about your family, what would it be?

All my babies are here

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

Labor and delivery

If you die and come back as a person or thing, what do you think it would be?

A camera

What is your most treasured possession?

My diamond and gold key pendant my Dad gave me on my 21st Birthday.

What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?

Pain of any kind

Where would you like to live?

Pangkur Laut Resort, Malaysia

What is your favorite occupation?


What is your most marked characteristic?

Capturing beautiful people portraits, I hope.

What is the quality you most like in a man?

Caring and generosity

What is the quality you most like in a woman?

Caring and generosity

What do you most value in your friends?


Who is your favorite action hero?

Batman, hahaha!

How would you like to die?

In peace with no pain

What is your motto?

Stop and smell the roses. Love always.


Special THANKS to Jemma M Gayheart for the awesome MAKE-UP & Cat for capturing ‘Me’.

Check back soon for MY FAVORITES!

{ xo }

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