The Big 10

It seems like just yesterday, Cat was 2. A cheeky, spaghetti loving, bob haired, giggly girl. A girl with so much ‘smarts’ I sometimes wonder if she would be applying for college at age 13! She LOVED (still does) balloons, Tom & Jerry cartoons, bubbles, and most importantly chocolate ice cream! She has moved on to other favorites like all things gadgetry but in her heart.. balloons, chocolate ice cream… still tops her list. Oh, let’s not forget her PASSION for the arts and craft. She’s constantly making something- origami, paper containers, notes, duct tape wallets, and yes, pictures : ) I’m not going to complain about her constant need to create something with paper. Not even the empty scotch tape dispenser or scraps of paper cuttings everywhere. I know eventually, I get something unexpected. Like a handmade flower with a sweet note that says “I love you. So much”.

Oh yes, she loves books too : )

One more thing to love. Her sweet baby brother Creighton.

She says, “He is such A SWEET SWEET BOY”.

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December 2, 2011 - 9:49 PM

Margie Happy Birthday Catherine!! Your photos are fab… I wish I was 10 again!! 🙂


a great DEAL is coming soon!

check back soon : )

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Cat is 10!

Her favorite things..

Paper crafts   *   candy   *   Books

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My two front teeth

I missed an important milestone. His FIRST front tooth! The second one came along almost immediately right after the first, so here they are. Since he is so much more mobile now capturing those teeth were almost impossible.

Perfect profile

Precious isn’t it?

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… is growing up
She is also independent, determined and LOVES her grandparents : )
For more images of EMILY, please click HERE for her SLIDESHOW
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Spreading more holiday cheer : )

Spread YOUR holiday cheer…

Happy day!

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Ashland, The Henry Clay Estate { Film }

{ LOVE }

Worth every penny. Worth every minute. Special thanks to RPL for these gorgeous scans.

UPDATE: Thankful and excited to be featured in BLOG, BLOG, BLOG

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