
O…the budding flowers are absolutely beautiful! Magnolias and red buds are plentiful. Cherry blossoms? My favorite! But, if only they were in my yard. If only… I planted some tulip bulbs last year. I would have sweet smelling cut flowers in my home now. It’s ok, I tell myself. Maybe next year.. It wasn’t too long ago, I was wearing wool coats and dressing in layers. In a wink, it was spring. The clouds stepped aside and the sun smiled. Speaking on the sun, it smiled on my beautiful couple this past Sunday. The day was just perfect for THE first engagement shoot of the year. So many more to come.. I just can’t wait!

A sneak peek of Jessica & Brandon..

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Check back soon for more sun kissed images..

{ xo }

April 7, 2011 - 1:15 PM

Jessica LOVE them already!! Can’t wait to see all of them!!

Blue skies and cupcake

After weeks of flurries, snow, rain and plain miserable temperatures, we embrace blue skies and perfect weather today. A new day it is. Have a great one : )) Really!

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Fuzzy wuzzy

How beary cute..

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Hand knitted by dianirasoto at etsy.com.

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{ xo }

How time flies..

My last post was March 5th? Yikes.. where did the time go? I had plans to blog just about every day.. since I’ll be home – most of the time. But, it’s the 22nd AND Little C is 1 month old today! I still can’t believe it. This little miracle still manages to amaze us with his small but powerful cry for ‘food’; his once in a while ‘gas’ toothless grin; his scrunchy (and RED) face when he’s about to let a big one (cry) out, and of course his peaceful angelic face when he’s finally asleep. He is like many babies at this age- unpredictable. One day, he is like clock work. Other days? Not so much. Seems like he keeps HIS schedule to himself and decides ‘meal, sleep, wake, nice, fussy’ hours at random- in no particular order. Just to keep us on our toes : )

I have however managed to capture a few angelic NEWBORN shots of him, all within 2 weeks of age. AND some others as well. I practised what I preached- newborn shots need to be taken within 2 weeks of birth for the best ‘peaceful’ portraits. The ones you see and say “how did they do it?”. I had the perfect subject- my very own little C. He ‘worked’ for me a few days after birth- sometimes 5 minutes, sometimes as long as a WHOLE hour! I molded him into positions right after his breakfast meal- where he was most calm and was just about asleep. I made sure I waited at least 10- 15 minutes, to minimize any accidents that might happen. (It happened once and I was totally unprepared. Let’s just say I had extra laundry to do afterwards.) I kept the room relatively warm, with the help of an electric space heater AND a heating pad. I love it myself : )) Anyway, I have to say newborn sessions are not easy. There is only a small window of ‘happy baby time’ … and it takes patience, a lot of it- to wait and capture their unique personalities. Practice, practice, practice.

Here are a few during his first early days.. (boy I was determined to get ‘those’ shots, no matter how tired I was from the night before).

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p.s. This post took me 6 hours to write/ type. In this 6 hours, I have fed, helped Cat with homework, heated some dinner, changed 3 diapers, eaten dinner (leftovers), watched a documentary, fed again, loaded the dishwasher, took the garbage out and little C is asleep, for now. Thanks so much for waiting for these few precious moments.. I can’t wait to share more.. soon : )

{ xo }

March 23, 2011 - 5:58 AM

Irene What can I say: GORGEOUS!!! I would love to hold the baby even just for 1 sec. Bless u guys =)

March 23, 2011 - 12:25 AM

Sue Ables He is absolutely adorable!!! I know big sister is proud too! Congrats again Chris!



{ Strawberry Kisses }


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{ xo }

March 4, 2011 - 11:03 AM

Margie D. Coots Adorable! 🙂 He is precious!! I am sooo happy for your lil’ blessing!

A miracle

A long 39 weeks came and went. Seemed like forever… each day passed with joy, worry, aches & pains, hope and more hope. A hope for a healthy, normal baby with ten fingers and ten toes. With a strong heart and other things that we take for granted.. sometimes. This day was especially special. For a long time, we wanted things to happen. Happen naturally- you know? Labor, the GOOD stuff. But, because we live 2 hours away we opted for an induction. Yes.. we can relax now. No surprises, no water breaking at WalMart (at 5pm), no 3am drive to the hospital. No delivering in the car. Ready or not, Tuesday is THE day. We arrived bright and early, checked in (very much like a hotel), and settled in the ACTION room. Much more spacious than the Holiday Inn Express we stayed the night before. Wow.. this is nice ; ) As I settled in the hospital gown, I took a few minutes to document the room: My ‘home’ for the next few/ many hours, where it all happened.

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Hooked up and monitored.Checked the weather (of course). Reading a magazine, while I still can.

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Just a few to keep me company. Plus my pregnancy journal to keep records.

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The start of many contractions.

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Ok… many hours later (sparing the gory details) we were blessed with a healthy baby boy. Just like that. After months on rolls, jabs, nudges, small kicks, and stretches, we met our miracle.

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While all the action was happening, Big sister, Cat paced the floor outside and FINALLY heard a cry. She said it took FOREVER. All 40 or so minutes.

But, they finally met. She can’t believe he’s here. She said over and over again.

Here, she’s suiting up to give little C his first bath.

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All cleaned up. He might not like the look but he’s perfect.

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I couldn’t have done it without: (1) My one and only, Don. (2) My other miracle baby, Cat. (3) The excellent UK OB staff. AND (4) All the prayers and support from all over the world, near and far.

So much LOVE for this little miracle. He is SO blessed. And so are we.

Welcome, my sweet baby.

{ xo }

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March 23, 2011 - 8:21 AM

Loreena Miracles of life… How precious. I’m so happy for you, Don and Chris.

March 2, 2011 - 2:47 PM

Morgan I cannot wait to see him!! He is so beautiful in every way, so so happy for you!

March 1, 2011 - 1:31 PM

Hai-Lang Duong Chris,

I think your photographs of your day on Labor and Delivery are beautiful! I have never seen our unit look so classy as you made them look in black and white. And I love the photos of big sis Catherine helping with her baby brother’s first bath….what a delight! Thanks for the great photos and for being such a wonderful patient. Congrats again to your entire family and enjoy your new son.
