Hotter than red


Happy weekend!

35 miles away

.. from Las Vegas



Provia 8772

Provia 8770




 Hoover Dam


of the photography world! I had a time of my life recently at my very FIRST WPPI!  I had planned it for a year and was DETERMINED to get there one way or another. I knew who I was going to meet, shake hands, and ASK for a photograph. You never know…they might say YES! I was never the type who would just ask- a favor, an extra this/ that…. The fear of hearing a NO paralyzes me. Bad thoughts run through my head BEFORE I even say a word! At this conference, the word NO was hardly in my mind. I think of anything but a NO. I don’t know what happened but I was in a different place where I ‘knew’ no one and no one ‘knew’ of me. I had no fear of NO! Here, no one knew if I took bad photographs, odd photographs, shoot with a Nikon, have a bag full of ’emergency’ trinkets, et cetera, et cetera…. I was me! I was so happy to be there! I couldn’t stop smiling! 

The daily walk to the conference took at least 20 minutes each way- power walking! I would’ve brought sneakers but I wouldn’t look good. I’m a photographer! I have to wear heels! Hahahha… I wore it once and that was it. I went back to my cozy Uggs. I had to get to some of these awesome classes!! One unbelievable class was Jasmine Star! I was in the room before her scheduled event and was not going to move an inch! This is THE reason I’m here, at all! I heard hundreds of photographers already lined up outside anxiously waiting to burst through those doors. This room had a 900 capacity!! Surely there’s room for everyone! But I was wrong. Security booted us out! I power walked out to find the end of the line. The END of the line? There is NO end! If everyone lined up single filed, I would be at the END of the Las Vegas Strip! It was insane. Finally I found the ‘end’ and stood for another 45 minutes or so moving forward ever so slowly. Then, the dreaded words were blurted out, “Jasmine Star Class is FULL!” My heart sank. I had dreams of seeing her, listening to her wisdom, taking a photograph with her!! I was devastated. A millisecond later, they announced an encore class for her the next morning! Yayyyyyy!

Here is Jasmine, at the end of her FIRST class. I wanted to meet her anyway… just in case I didn’t get into her second class. She was super nice, beautiful inside and out and that MADE my day. This photo reminded me of Jennifer Lopez and her co-presenter at the Grammys several years ago. JLo presented a Grammy wearing the famous green Versace dress and NO ONE was looking at the co-presenter. Jasmine Star = Jennifer Lopez. I look like I had the posture of a 80 year old old lady!  Simply because I had both arms tied up with goodies from the trade show. I knew walking back to the hotel room would take too long, so I lugged these freebies around from class to class. Shine? Sorry… I didn’t have a mirror with me.  


I met Jose Villa at the trade show floor just after an inspiring class by Jesh de Rox (more about him later). I don’t have special words for his work, simply because it’s has been said over and over again. His work is unbelievable and timeless. He has been featured in countless magazines and wedding blogs and continue to draw an audience from us photographers and brides around the world!


Jessica Claire needs no introduction. Recently a BRIDE herself (married to Jeff- the photographer of this image) is another charismatic photographer/ entrepreneur from California. She’s the brain child behind SHOOTSAC and here we are standing by her booth surrounded by dozens of customers!! Her wildly anticipated wedding was photographed by the amazing Jose Villa and you can see it here. Out of this world!! 


Another amazing photographer here is Tamara Lackey! She’s taller in person, as sweet as can be and so so friendly. Check out her blog featuring kids and family and her special WOW she adds to her images.


 I stopped David Jay in the hallway at one of the last classes at WPPI. He had to run and was saying bye to some friends (girlfriend Christianne Taylor in tow) but I knew I had to say a quick HI and ask for a photograph. Remember? NO fear! He said ‘Sure!’. He could have missed a flight or late for an important meeting… but he took the time to smile for my camera. Look at this face! Is this sincere or what? His Mom must be so proud! Anyway, David Jay is a distinguished photographer, speaker, motivator, and entrepreneur and has HELPED so many people move forward with their photography business including mine. AND he photographed Jasmine Star’s intimate wedding in Hawaii!   


 Don’t let this photo scare you. Joe Photo(yes it is his name) is much better looking in person. A rock star look, smile, hair and of course inspiring photographer! 


Ok… he’s not gay. He said so. Hey, he even put it in a song! I’m here with Jerry Ghionis, another dashing, talented photographer from Australia. I didn’t get to attend his class but heard 5 minutes of his ‘speech’ in the form of the song ‘I will survive’. Picture this: he shoots a wedding and as a bonus he senerades you and your guests later that night? Now that’s a great package! 



Last but certainly not least, Jesh de Rox. If I come home somewhat inspired… it was because of Jesh. By far THE MOST inspiring speaker. He MOVED everyone in the room to TEARS and had a STANDING OVATION at the end. I wasn’t expecting this ‘love and passion’ from him but it showed in EVERY word his spoke and every image his shared. It was the BEST!


Other notable photographers I’d like to THANK are: Kevin Kubota, Scott Bourne, Marcus Bell, Scarlett Lillian, Jonathan Canlas & Elizabeth Messina. Did I mention I had a GOOD time? Check back for more : )

April 10, 2010 - 12:38 AM

Marin Kristine Jesh was AMAZING to say the least! Love that you got so many great shots with our mentors… (I’m a little jealous and need to maybe be a little bolder next time) LOL

March 18, 2010 - 1:06 PM

Mary Marantz that’s awesome!! it looks like you had a blast! 🙂

Around the world in Vegas

 If you crave excitement, lights and opulance… look no further but LAS VEGAS! I was in Vegas almost 16 years ago on vacation and I have not forgotten about it since. It was WOW then and still WOW now. It has so much to offer and a MUST SEE place at least once in your lifetime! Yes, it is grand, sometimes too much but hey, you get to see almost the world in Vegas! It comes alive at night and doesn’t stop till you’ve had enough. There are no clocks anywhere  and the lights are on 24/7.  I was there for WPPI and WOW, what an event! Totally life changing and I come home feeling SO inspired! I can’t wait to share more. Check back soon! But first, here are a few shots of what VEGAS is all about.

These were taken with NO FLASH, between ISO 1600- 6400 (yes, amazing) and NO photoshop whatsoever. Every image here is S.O.O.C (Straight out of camera) with the exception of resizing for the web. Enjoy! 


 MGM Grand



New York New York



 Monte Carlo


Brooklyn Bridge (Vegas style)







 Our hotel: Tropicana (one of the oldest on the strip)

We were fortunate enough to be in a 1800 or so sq ft suite named TOKYO suite. Big enough for 10 people, along with 3 outdoor patios,  3.5 bathrooms, a kitchen, bar and a living room! It must have been a happenin’ place in the 70s! Yes, it was dated but well maintained nonetheless. We felt like royalty in this place and sad to say, it will be torn down next month to make way for new rooms.  DSC_8512






Attention getter



 Yes, I’ve been here. It’s close enough and good enough for me : )




 A look at the city from the suburbs just before dark.DSC_8819



 Fun things inside MGM Grand


Many restaurants are OPEN 24 hours a day.DSC_8423


Inside New York New York


Yes, there are casinos, slot machines, high roller rooms, and Wayne Newton shows but I got to enjoy VEGAS by capturing these images and they are almost free! Check back tomorrow for more : ))



See Stephanie Fay at and Katelyn James at . More surprise images to come! Can’t wait!



A shout out to JASMINE STAR for being her FABulous self! Thank you WPPI!

The Color of Sun

Yes, it’s still winter but today and the next few days is looking much better! Sunshine is welcome ANYTIME this season : )

Anyway, I was REALLY looking for interesting things to photograph and noticed this tree in my neighborhood. A tree that I pass by at least twice a day and never ‘noticed’, much less admired. It ‘glowed’ like the sun amongst the bare trees. It was a ‘ONE and ONLY’.


Enjoy the sunshine today and go out and find the ‘one and only’.

xx and more

Your dress

I was looking back an older issue of InStyle Weddings (Winter 2010) and can’t help but share this quote from the GREAT Oscar de la Renta. He says it best.


You K-N-O-W when i-t is IT

Have FUN finding your IT!

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