Another fine week it was : ) Cool mornings, warm afternoons, uncut grass… perfect everything! It’s the time of year to see beauty in everything- fresh tulips, clover… and don’t forget the dandelions! They greet us no matter what- rain or shine. Last wednesday, I met a young lady who’s been ‘dreaming’ of this day for almost a year. Her senior pictures! Ashley is not only sweet but a smart cookie! With hopes to pursue Dentistry in the near future and taking college classes this SUMMER, she leaves no stone unturned. Determined and focused, she intends to excel. AND what a beauty she is! With a new shorter hairdo, sleek and perfect she turns heads no matter where she goes. Well, you be the judge…
Hello.. I rest my case.
Ashley: What a stunner you are! All the best in everything you do and never stop believing in YOU!
Check back soon for more images of Ashley and her slide show. It will be soon!
Happy weekend!