.. loves you! It was starting to be another gloomy day but rain? Just the other day, we set our clocks forward to welcome spring AND sunshine. Spring is slowly peeking through but the clouds decided to accompany us today. However gloomy this Monday is, I chose to embrace the sun even if it’s shining from above, through the clouds. My morning started out smoothly as planned- purse check, camera bag check, Cat check! I had a morning shoot of a precious little girl who turned ONE today. She was at the door ‘waiting’ to be photographed, dressed in nothing but a pink tutu and a pink maribou hair clip. As I was giving little Addi her birthday gift, her big sister greeted me with this little surprise!! A little creamy cashmere furball of a bunny! Awwww.. I can hear it now. Meet Polka-Dots, Miss Lacyn’s new addition. It lays snuggly in the palm of the hand and falls asleep as soon as you lay it on its back. Too precious! OK…on to Addi, the birthday girl. Here’s a sneak peek…
Happy Birthday Addi!
More of Addi later this week : )