You are my home
and my adventure
all at once.
It was her smile that captivated him. Cameron noticed her piercing blue eyes (amongst other things.. wink, wink) when she looked up from her desk and then, that smile. He was hooked. Summer happened to be at the right place at the right time and Cameron worked up the courage to get to know her a little more. First, he had to find a good excuse to come closer. He did what any good guy would do, clean and dust… at a nearby desk. They hit it off immediately but didn’t see each other again until she was assigned to his location a month later. He knew it was now or never and what better day to have ask her out? Valentine’s Day! Little did he know, his bold move, pizza and wine were just the beginnings to their beautiful and wild adventure.
The best thing I did
was take a chance on you.
Glowing from the inside out.
The way he looks at her…
as if her smile is the only
thing that could possibly matter.
-butterflies rising
The closest thing to magic…
For it was not into my ear you whispered,
but into my heart.
It was not my lips you kissed,
but my soul.
I can’t help but say…
they bee-long together ; )
Summer & Cameron: Here’s to a lifetime of excitement and pure happiness! I’m truly blessed to be a part of your celebration (and what a celebration it will be!) and my heart is beyond filled with gratitude. Cheers to a lifetime of adventures!
See you at theĀ Apiary in January!
{ XO }