Loved you then
Love you still
Always have
Always will
He was her best friend’s big brother. Always there. Always around. Years past and many comings and goings, the stars aligned again… just right for them to attend a family and friends “tacky” Christmas party. Their mutual friends saw a budding couple relationship but they weren’t sure. Morgan didn’t know what to feel or how Lucas would feel about it. But, as the night went on, the idea quickly turned into something more. “Sparks started to fly” … Morgan explained, but in a low-key sort of way. They were spending more and more time together… watching movies, making dinners to traveling.
Fast forward a few months, after some time apart, traveling separately… Lucas came home and asked Morgan to be his girlfriend. They spent 5 more years making sparks fly (and making dinners) until Lucas proposed in Fort Lauderdale on bended knee, a beer in one hand and a white box in the other. She of course, said… YES.
No sweeter day.
A preview of their wedding reception venue/ views… Mountains. Sweet mountains.
The best is yet to come…
Morgan and Lucas… thank you ever so much for this great honor! This union is long awaited…. long expected ; ) Finally! {Insert dancing emoji}
So much love,
{ xo }